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Woman Pours Hot On Husband

Woman Pours Hot On Husband’s Body In Limbe

A lady whose name we got as Emilia Saila has reportedly poured boiled water on her husband’s body while he was at sleep.

The incident occured Monday January 16, 2023 in the town of Limbe, South region of Cameroon.
Reports say the lady who hails from Bali Nyonga in the North West Region keyed the door before attacking her husband.
Talking to  a witness said: “we heard how the man was screaming. We tried to open the door only to realise it was locked from inside. The door was forced opened and we realised that the woman was piercing the man’s burnt chest.”
The victim was rushed to a health facility where he is responding to treatment.
We could not immediately confirmed the whereabouts of the lady.
We gathered this is not the first time Emilia is going physical on the husband.

We are told the man has scars on his body that resulted from knife wounds inflicted by Emilia.

Written by Gracious Berinyu

Journalist at CMTV Buea, Cameroon; Chief Marketing Office at C. Media Group of Companies

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