

The Christmas market is a special promotion sale of consumer products organized during the holiday season. This operation takes place in the ten regions of the country. The objective is to mitigate the shock suffered by households following the rise in prices of basic foodstuffs in markets and supermarkets.

A multitude of products will be offered to consumers at promotional prices at the 20th May Boulevard, the site of this eighth edition in the Yaounde. “It is diversified and the prices are very much standard for every citizen. The prices range from 200 to 2,500 FCFA depending on the purchase. Cunsumers will be able to find chicken, beef, freshwater fish, rice, various beverages,” said the regional delegate of Commerce for the Centre, Alain Romuald Ombédé Nama, on national radio.

The innovation this year, he said, is “the strong mobilization of social economy networks that have agreed to provide fresh food to all consumers in our region. This initiative of MINCOMMERCE aims at allowing consumers to have access to these foodstuffs as part of the end-of-year festivities. At low prices, customers can buy large quantities of food at the “Christmas Market”. Minister Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana said that this promotional campaign is in line with the policy of the Head of State in favour of an “inclusive society”. This will help reduce cost of living in the Cameroonian society

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Written by Rounette Gubui

Student Journalist at CMTV Buea, Cameroon

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