
Home teacher Arrested in West Region of Cameroon

Home teacher confesses that he slept with the children he was hired to teach.

According to report, the seven children ages between 4 and 12 years were raped on several occasions by the teacher.

When one parent discovered her 11 year old was behaving abnormally they went for a checkup and Doctors confirmed she had been raped. Other parents carried out checks on their children and all came out positive.

“I raped them at least 2 times each and I always warn them not to tell anyone about it. I apologize to their families” he told Equinoxe television.

He has been detained at the Dschang Gendarmerie Brigade in the West region.

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Written by Gracious Berinyu

Journalist at CMTV Buea, Cameroon; Chief Marketing Office at C. Media Group of Companies

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Home teacher Arrested in West Region of Cameroon